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String Input/Output
Because strings are recognized to be special objects in C, some special library functions for reading and writing are provided for them. These make it easier to deal with strings, without the need for special user-routines. There are four of these functions:

This function fetches a string from the standard input file stdin and places it into some buffer which the programmer must provide.
#define SIZE    255

char *sptr, buffer[SIZE];

strptr = gets(buffer);

If the routine is successful in getting a string, it returns the value buffer to the string pointer strptr. Otherwise it returns NULL (==0). The advantage of gets() over scanf("%s"..) is that it will read spaces in strings, whereas scanf() usually will not. gets() quits reading when it finds a newline character: that is, when the user presses RETURN.
NOTE: there are valid concerns about using this function. Often it is implemented as a macro with poor bounds checking and can be exploited to produce memory corruption by system attackers. In order to write more secure code, use fgets() instead.

Node:puts(), Next:sprintf(), Previous:gets(), Up:String Input/Output
puts() sends a string to the output file stdout, until it finds a NULL end of string marker. The NULL byte is not written to stdout, instead a newline character is written.
char *string;
int returncode;

returncode = puts(string);

puts() returns an integer value, whose value is only guaranteed if there is an error. returncode == EOF if an end of file was encountered or there was an error.

Node:sprintf(), Next:sscanf(), Previous:puts(), Up:String Input/Output
This is an interesting function which works in almost the same way as printf(), the exception being that it prints to a string! In other words it treats a string as though it were an output file. This is useful for creating formatted strings in the memory. On most systems it works in the following way:
int n;
char *sp;

n = sprintf (sp, "control string", parameters, values);

n is an integer which is the number of characters printed. sp is a pointer to the destination string or the string which is to be written to. Note carefully that this function does not perform any check on the output string to make sure that it is long enough to contain the formatted output. If the string is not large enough, then a crash could be in store! This can also be considered a potential security problem, since buffer overflows can be used to capture control of important programs. Note that on system V Unix systems the sprintf functionr returns a pointer to the start of the printed string, breaking the pattern of the other printf functions. To make such an implementation compatible with the usual form you would have to write:
 n = strlen(sprintf(parameters......));

This function is the complement of sprintf(). It reads its input from a string, as though it were an input file.
int n;
char *sp;

n = sscanf (sp,"control string", pointers...);

sp is a pointer to the string which is to be read from. The string must be NULL terminated (it must have a zero-byte end marker '\0'). sscanf() returns an integer value which holds the number of items successfully matched or EOF if an end of file marker was read or an error occurred. The conversion specifiers are identical to those for scanf().

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