of Operators and Precedence
The highest priority operators are
listed first.
Operator Operation Evaluated.
parentheses left
to right
square brackets left
to right
right to left
right to left
(type) cast operator right to left
the contents of
right to left
& the address of right to left
unary minus
right to left
one's complement
right to left
logical NOT
right to left
multiply left
to right
divide left
to right
remainder (MOD) left
to right
add left
to right
subtract left
to right
>> shift right left to right
<< shift left left to right
> is greater than left to right
>= greater than or equal to left to right
<= less than or equal to left to right
< less than left to right
is equal to left
to right
is not equal to left
to right
& bitwise AND left to right
bitwise exclusive OR left to right
bitwise inclusive OR left
to right
&& logical AND left to right
logical OR left
to right
right to left
add assign
right to left
subtract assign
right to left
multiply assign
right to left
divide assign
right to left
remainder assign
right to left
>>= right shift assign right to left
<<= left shift assign right to left
&= AND assign right to left
exclusive OR assign
right to left
inclusive OR assign
right to left
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