This function "concatenates" two strings: that is,
it joins them together into one string. The effect of:
char *new,*this, onto[255];
new = strcat(onto,this);
is to join
the string this onto the string onto. new is a pointer to the complete
string; it is identical to onto. Memory is assumed to have been allocated for the starting
strings. The string which is to be copied to must be large enough to accept the
new string, tagged onto the end. If it is not then unpredictable effects will
result. (In some programs the user might get away without declaring enough
space for the "onto" string, but in general the results will be
garbage, or even a crashed machine.) To join two static strings together, the
following code is required:
char *s1 = "string one";
char *s2 = "string two";
main ()
{ char buffer[255];
would then contain "string onestring two".
This function returns a type int value, which gives the
length or number of characters in a string, not including the NULL
byte end marker. An example is:
int len;
char *string;
len = strlen (string);
This function copies a string from one place to another. Use
this function in preference to custom routines: it is set up to handle any
peculiarities in the way data are stored. An example is
char *to,*from;
to = strcpy (to,from);
Where to
is a pointer to the place to which the string is to be copied and from
is the place where the string is to be copied from.
This function compares two strings and returns a value which
indicates how they compared. An example:
int value;
char *s1,*s2;
value = strcmp(s1,s2);
The value returned is 0 if the two strings were identical.
If the strings were not the same, this function indicates the (ASCII)
alphabetical order of the two. s1
> s2, alphabetically, then the value is > 0.
If s1 < s2 then the value is < 0. Note that numbers come before
letters in the ASCII code sequence and also that upper case comes before lower
There are also variations on the
theme of the functions above which begin with strn instead of str.
These enable the programmer to perform the same actions with the first n
characters of a string:
This function concatenates two strings by copying the
first n characters of this to the end of the onto
char *onto,*new,*this;
new = strncat(onto,this,n);
This function copies the first n
characters of a string from one place to another
char *to,*from;
int n;
to = strncpy (to,from,n);
This function compares the first n
characters of two strings
int value;
char *s1,*s2;
value = strcmp(s1,s2,n);
The following functions perform
conversions between strings and floating point/integer types, without needing
to use sscanf(). They take a pre-initialized string and work out the value
represented by that string.
ASCII to floating point conversion.
double x;
char *stringptr;
x = atof(stringptr);
ASCII to integer conversion.
int i;
char *stringptr;
i = atoi(stringptr);
ASCII to long integer conversion.
long i;
char *stringptr;
i = atol(stringptr);
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