> drawing lines,Rectangles and Ovals in java ~ Online tutorial

drawing lines,Rectangles and Ovals in java

Drawing Lines, Rectangles and Ovals
  • This section presents a variety of Graphics methods for drawing lines, rectangles and
  • For each drawing method that requires a width and height parameter, the width and height must be
    nonnegative values.
  • Otherwise, the shape will not display.
    public void drawLine( int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2 ) Draws a line between the point (x1, y1) and the point (x2, y2).
    public void drawRect( int x, int y, int width, int height ) Draws a rectangle of the specified width and height. The top-left corner of the rectangle has the coordinates (x, y).
    public void fillRect( int x, int y, int width, int height ) Draws a solid rectangle with the specified width and height. The top-left corner of the rectangle has the coordinate (x, y).
    public void clearRect( int x, int y, int width, int height ) Draws a solid rectangle with the specified width and height in the current background color. The top-left corner of the rectangle has the coordinate (x, y).
    public void drawRoundRect( int x, int y, int width, int height, int arcWidth, int arcHeight )
    Draws a rectangle with rounded corners in the current color with the specifiedwidth and height. The arcWidth and arcHeight determine the rounding of the corners 
    public void fillRoundRect( int x, int y, int width, int height, int arcWidth, int arcHeight )
    Draws a solid rectangle with rounded corners in the current color with the specified width and height. The arcWidth and arcHeight determine the rounding of the corners 
    public void draw3DRect( int x, int y, int width, int height, boolean b ) Draws a three-dimensional rectangle in the current color with the specified width and height. The top-left corner of the rectangle has the coordinates (x, y). The rectangle appears raised when b is true and is lowered when b is false.

3 import java.awt.*;
4 import java.awt.event.*;
5 import javax.swing.*;
public class LinesRectsOvals extends JFrame {
8 private String s = "Using drawString!";
10 public LinesRectsOvals()
11 {
12 super( "Drawing lines, rectangles and ovals" );
14 setSize( 400, 165 );
15 show();
16 }
18 public void paint( Graphics g )
19 {
20 g.setColor( Color.red );
21 g.drawLine( 5, 30, 350, 30 );
23 g.setColor( Color.blue );
24 g.drawRect( 5, 40, 90, 55 );
25 g.fillRect( 100, 40, 90, 55 );
27 g.setColor( Color.cyan );
28 g.fillRoundRect( 195, 40, 90, 55, 50, 50 );
29 g.drawRoundRect( 290, 40, 90, 55, 20, 20 );
31 g.setColor( Color.yellow );
32 g.draw3DRect( 5, 100, 90, 55, true );
33 g.fill3DRect( 100, 100, 90, 55, false );
35 g.setColor( Color.magenta );
36 g.drawOval( 195, 100, 90, 55 );
37 g.fillOval( 290, 100, 90, 55 );
38 }
40 public static void main( String args[] )
41 {
42 LinesRectsOvals app = new LinesRectsOvals();
44 app.addWindowListener(
45 new WindowAdapter() {
46 public void windowClosing( WindowEvent e )
47 {
48 System.exit( 0 );
49 }
50 }
51 );
52 }
53 }

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