> scanf ~ Online tutorial


scanf function
  cscanf   CONIO.H  The console
  fscanf   STDIO.H  A stream
  scanf    STDIO.H  stdin
  sscanf   STDIO.H  A string
  vfscanf  STDIO.H  A stream, using an argument list
  vscanf   STDIO.H  stdin, using an argument list
  vsscanf  STDIO.H  A string, using an argument list

int cscanf (                          char *format [, address, ...]);
int fscanf (FILE *stream,       const char *format [, address, ...]);
int scanf  (                    const char *format [, address, ...]);
int sscanf (const char *buffer, const char *format [, address, ...]);
int vfscanf(FILE *stream,       const char *format, va_list arglist);
int vscanf (                    const char *format, va_list arglist);
int vsscanf(const char *buffer, const char *format, va_list arglist);

The ...scanf functions do the following:
Scan a series of input fields one character at a time
Format each field according to a corresponding format specifier passed
   in the format string *format.
Store the formatted input at an address passed as an argument following
   *format (cscanf also echoes the input directly to the screen)

   Return Value:
On success,
...scanf functions return the number of input fields  successfully scanned, converted, and stored.
    The return value does not include scanned fields that were not stored.

Return value = 0 if no fields were stored.
Return value = EOF if
   cscanf, fscanf, scanf, vfscanf, or vscanf attempts to read at
       end-of-file, or
   sscanf or vsscanf attempts to read at end-of-string

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