doubly linked list program in c
This a sample program of double linked list! the advantage of double over single is that singly linked list has the node inserted only at one end. and the pointer corresponds to the next pointer. but in a doubly linked list, the node pointer points to the both previous and the next node....
Single linked list inplementation using different functions
1. Insert a number at the beginning
2. Insert a number at last
3. Insert a number at a particular location in list
4. Print the elements in the list
5. Print the total number of elements in the list
6. Delete a node in the linked list
7. Reverse a linked list
8. Get out of linked list
DDA Line drawing Algorithm
The digital differential analyzer (DDA) is a scan-conversion line algorithm. In this algorithm, we sample the line at unit intervals in one coordinate and determine corresponding integer values nearest the line path of the other coordinate and plot those coordinate (pixel) in computer screen. Consider first a line...